If you have any questions regarding our services, please read carefully below or contact us.

Yes, for your convenience we have an online scheduling service so you don’t waste your time coming to us directly without knowing if there is availability.

Not yet, but we have future plans for that.

Please ask one of our specialists, we have a team ready to recommend the best looking for you.

Just go to services – Clients agenda and cancel it or give us a call in advance. 

Right now we do not require a prior consultation, but if you have questions about what service to book, please give us a call.

No, we do accept credit cards as well.

No, we do not sell home color kits, clippers, razors, shears, combs or brushes in our place. However we do offer a wide range of cleansing, conditioning and styling products.

When you book an appointment with us we reserve a specific amount of time for your service, therefore we are not able to take clients who are more than 10 minutes tardy. If you know ahead of time that you cannot attend a booked appointment, just give us a call or reschedule your appointment at the menu service – clients agenda.

make appointment

We take great pride in servicing our guests at Family Salon & Barbershop. 

As soon as you first walk into our place, we want you to feel at home. Our team and hairstylists are not only experts at fading haircuts and ombre hair color, but we are also interested in what you want to talk about! 

Tell us about your favorite style, tell us what else we can do for you and about your day. We are all ears and want to make you feel comfortable. 
